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Gays and HIV

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

From: "Tiger George"

Date: Mon Mar 13, 2000 6:40 am

Subject: SiGNeL Re: Query tiger_george@...

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There is no evidence that I know of that one can get HIV (the virus causing

AIDS) from being sucked off. The only possible risk would be from getting

saliva on your penis. However, even though HIV has been isolated in saliva

the concentration in saliva is too low to cause infection. On the other

hand, there is new evidence suggesting that the person performing the oral

sex (i.e., doing the sucking) may be at risk, particularly if there is

ejaculation in the mouth. The risk appears to be relatively low compared to

risk from unprotected anal or vaginal sex but it's still there. One thing

to keep in mind in all of this is that HIV isn't the only thing going around

out there. It is quite possible to get other STDs through oral sex and for

those it doesn't make any difference whether you're sucking or being sucked.

As such the standard recommendation these days is to use condoms even with

oral sex.






>From: Vernon Voon

>Reply-To: signel@egroups.com

>To: signel@egroups.com

>Subject: SiGNeL Query

>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 21:03:50 +0800





>Can I ask if you can catch AIDS from being sucked off?

From: "Lim Chi-Sharn"

Date: Mon Mar 13, 2000 5:45 am

Subject: SiGNeL Re: Query chisharn@...

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being on the receiving end of oral-penis oral sex (being sucked) is very


relative to other sex acts like anal sex or vaginal sex. risk STILL exists of



risk rises if either the mouth or the penis has open wounds like ulcers or skin



make an informed decision to accept or deny yourself that risk.


From: R i c k

Date: Tue Mar 14, 2000 2:14 am

Subject: SiGNeL Re: Query scor_16@...

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A lot of guys are also likely to brush before they

have sex, particulary to conceal bad breath. This

increases risk tremendously, so its a good idea NOT to

brush your teeth before and immediatley after oral

sex, but use a mouth wash instead if you need to

freshen their breath.

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