

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago

Welcome SiGNeLlers,


This wiki was set up for you to contribute articles regarding GLBT culture in Singapore. All SiGNeL posts of significance will also be gradually copied into to the relevant categories here.


To add or edit articles, log in preferably with your real or SiGNeL pen name and enter the password.


(N.B. This wiki has an inclusionist policy, as opposed to the deletionist bent of Wikipedia. Therefore, no article, thread, sentence or opinion will be deleted unless it is absolutely false or defamatory. Grammatical or typological errors will be corrected, though. This is to reflect the multiplicity of views which exist in the real world and to allow every voice to be heard.)



Topics by sexual orientation / gender


Please add your new discussion regarding each article/archived thread only on the Comments page, accessible by clicking the rectangular Comments box above.




Gay issues




Lesbian issues




Bisexual issues




Transgender issues




Intersex issues




Miscellaneous topics


Review articles


This section serves primarily as a backup of the articles in Wikipedia which have been deleted and vandalised repeatedly.


Historical background to Singaporean GLBT culture


Singapore gay history


Singapore gay equality movement


Section 377 of the Singapore Penal Code


Discrimination against homosexuals in Singapore


Homophobia in Singapore


Singapore gay venues: historical


Singapore public gay parties


IndigNation: Singapore's first gay pride month


Singapore gay charity work


Contemporary Singaporean GLBT culture


Singapore gay personalities


Singapore gay venues: contemporary


Singapore gay venues: contemporary: minor


Singapore gay literature


Singapore gay theatre


Singapore gay films


Singapore gay art


Singapore gay documentaries


Singapore gay portrayals on television


Singapore gay organisations


Singapore gay businesses


Singapore transgender culture




Kindly add articles pertaining only to Singaporean GLBT culture to avoid clutter.


News media archive


Media archive by date


Media archive by title of article in alphabetical order


SiGNeL archives


Complete archive of SiGNeL posts by year


Archive of SiGNeL posts by topic in alphabetical order


Archive of SiGNeL posts by contributor


Archives from other websites


Archive of material from other websites by topic

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 12:15 am on Apr 19, 2006

Please do not modify this FrontPage.

You don't have permission to comment on this page.